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(v13) Selecting a printer for WINPRINT

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP.

To specify the name of the printer you wish to output to, use the OutputTarget entry in the page device, usually in a TestConfig file. If this switch is omitted, the default Windows printer is used. This value may be overridden with the -u switch (including quotation marks if the printer name contains spaces), although this usage is discouraged in production systems; for more information see (v13) Override output target.

For example, to output the file testone.pdf to the default printer, use:

    /PageBufferType /WINPRINT
                                >> setpagedevice

Alternatively the raster backend may be selected on the clrip command line:

clrip.exe -c RGBComposite300dpi -o WINPRINT testone.pdf

To output the file testone.pdf to a specific printer:

    /PageBufferType /WINPRINT
    /OutputTarget (MyPrinter)
                                >> setpagedevice

Or use the clrip command line:

clrip.exe -c RGBComposite300dpi -o WINPRINT -u MyPrinter testone.pdf

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