(v13) Setting up a hotfolder to shut down the Scalable RIP
This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP
When running with hotfolder input enabled, it is useful to set up a second input folder to be able to quit the RIP cleanly. Add the following page feature as SW/Page Features/Quit:
/HqnConfigProvider /ProcSet findresource /quitrip get exec
Then start the RIP with two hotfolders, one for jobs, one for quit PS jobs only:
mkdir input quit output
C:\apps\HHR_SDK_dev> bin\clrip -m 4096 -C -c MyFarmConfig -nrips 4
-f output\%j-%p.tiff -H input -F Quit -H quit
Jobs dropped into the input directory will process normally using config MyFarmConfig
. Any file (even zero-length) dropped into the quit directory will cause the Scalable RIP to shut down cleanly.