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(v13) Summary of operators for devices

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

Most of the operators for acting on devices are not listed in [RB2]. Nevertheless, the following are common to most RIPs: devstatus, devmount, devdismount, devforall, and devformat. These are described in detail in (v13) Device and file operator definitions, especially in respect of the RIP’s special interpretation of them. The following operators and procedures in statusdict are now redundant: diskonline, diskstatus, userdiskpercent, and setuserdiskpercent. These are discussed in (v13) Device and file operator definitions.

filenameforall, setdevparams, and currentdevparams are Level 2 PostScript-language operators described in [RB2]. However, the contents of the setdevparams operand dictionaries are inevitably system-dependent and discussed in more detail in (v13) Device parameters and setdevparams.

As for files, other operators sometimes have side effects that can invoke device operators. For example, setpagedevice results indirectly in many setdevparams calls.

The operators setstdio and setstderr are anomalies and are discussed further in (v13) Pseudo-devices.

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