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(v13) SuppressUniqueID (user param)

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

In HHR/HMR v11 from v11.0r8: This parameter suppresses the use of UniqueID keys in the definition of Font and Font resources. When the parameter is set to value True , the RIP will remove the UniqueID key, if it exists, from any dictionaries describing new resources to be defined in the Font or CIDFont resource categories. Any Font or Font defined in a context where SuppressUniqueID is true will not be able to use UniqueID in caching of rendered glyphs.

The default value for the user parameter is True . In the file HqnStart , the value is temporarily set to False so that the RIP can pre-load fonts installed in the RIP and keep using UniqueID as an optimization for character rendering. HqnStart resets to true to parameter value after this handling of preloaded fonts. Thus any font downloaded from a print job (such as fonts embedded in PDF files) will not have a UniqueID associated with the processing of glyphs from such fonts.

SuppressUniqueID is True by default because the RIP cannot ensure that UniqueID values are properly used by the creators of fonts and the creators of print jobs. Setting SuppressUniqueID to false will risk that a malformed job that misuses UniqueID values will silently produce incorrect output in the form of the wrong glyph being drawn on the page after being retrieved from the RIPs font cache on the basis of a particular UniqueID . A common misuse of UniqueID is reusing a UniqueID from one font in another font. The result would be that when the second font is the current font of the interpreter, glyphs associated to the first font are retrieved from the font cache.

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