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(v13) Text string escape codes

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

Text strings may have variable text inserted into them, to be deter‐ mined at runtime. The name of the substitution required is inserted in the text string between dollar signs, as listed in Table B.9:


Runtime translation


Dollar sign.


The target identifier string given with the

/TargetID key.


The date at which the target is printed.


The time at which the target is printed.


The serial number of the RIP on which the target is printed.


The checksum of the serial number of the RIP on which the target is printed.


The resolution at which the target is printed, in the form “<vertical > x <horizontal >”, in dots per inch.


The frequency of the screen used to print the target (as in the page setup Screening dialog).


The angle of the screen used to print the target. Note that when color targets are printed, the number substituted depends on which color is being drawn.


The name of the spot function used to print the tar‐ get.


The exposure setting used to print the target.


A string supplied by the Print Calibration dialog.


If the target is calibrated (Print Calibrated Target in Print Calibration dialog) the string “calibrated from set name ”; otherwise, the string “uncalibrated”.


The string “On” if HPS is turned on; the string “Off” otherwise.


In the case where the PatchColorspace is

/DeviceCMYK, one of the strings “Cyan”, “Magenta”, “Yellow”, or “Black”.

Otherwise, but only in version 5.0 and later, this is a string derived from the name of the colorant.


The name of the output device for which the target is printed.


The patch colorspace from /PatchColorSpace .

Note: In the case where the array form has been specified, possible only in version 5.0 and later, a string of the form “(Colorant1) (Colorant2) (Colorant3)…” will be substituted.

Table: Text string escape codes

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