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(v13) The All colorant

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

In the [RB3] and [PDF1.6] specifications, the All colorant paints in all device colorants with the supplied color value. It is commonly used by graphical applications to paint register marks. In the RIP, the All colorant is converted to a /DeviceN color space, normally using all known device colorants, depending on the setting of ConvertAllSeparation.

The settransfer and calibration curves are always applied to the /DeviceN color. The final output color may therefore not have the same value for all device colorants.


The ConvertAllSeparation setpagedevice key is a Harlequin extension that controls how the All colorant is expanded to device colorants. There are four allowed values:

/All (default in Harlequin 12 and earlier). The All colorant is converted to a /DeviceN color space containing all device colorants. This is color managed as though the job specified the same /DeviceN space.

/AllPreserve (default from Harlequin 13). The All colorant is converted to the same /DeviceN color space as for the /All setting. If conditions are met, the /DeviceN color is not color managed. If the conditions aren't met, the behavior reverts to that of the /All setting. The conditions are either:

    •  the job is opaque

 OR, for transparency jobs:

    • the graphical object is painted directly on the page (that is, not within a transparency group)
    • the page group's color space must match the PCM.

/DeviceCMYK The All colorant is converted to a /DeviceN color space containing /Cyan, /Magenta, /Yellow, and /Black. This is color managed as though the job specified the same /DeviceN space.

/Black The All colorant is converted to a /Separation space for Black. This is color managed as though the job specified the same /Separation space.

For opaque jobs with OverprintPreview inactive, the /DeviceN color space is never subject to /NextDevice transforms.

For transparency jobs, or if OverprintPreview is active (see (v13) Understanding OverprintPreview), /NextDevice transforms are applied to the /DeviceN color except when ConvertAllSeparation is set to /AllPreserve. One reason for wanting /NextDevice transforms to be applied is for ink limiting, which is often configured as a /NextDevice transform.

The /DeviceCMYK and /Black values are commonly used in photoink device configurations to apply the correct calibration, and to avoid over inking with, for example, 600% ink.

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