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(v13) The HqnMissingFonts procset

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

The HqnMissingFonts procset is used to tell the RIP whether to just warn or to abort if a required font is not available when interpreting a job. The procset provides three entry points:

  • missingfonts Configure the RIP so that a job will error immediately if a required font is not found or emulated.
  • reportmissingfonts Configure the RIP to substitute for missing fonts and report, but not error.
  • deferredmissingfonts A missing font will be substituted if not found on a page, and the job will be stopped at the end of the page. This often makes it easier to identify all missing fonts in a job.

For example:

/HqnMissingFonts /ProcSet findresource begin deferredmissingfonts end

Note: If using HqnMissingFonts and font emulation together, the call to GGFontEmulation must come first.

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