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(v13) The IPStatus structure

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

This structure is used to say that an input plugin call succeeded or if not, why it failed.

      typedef struct ipstatus { int32 IPmajor ;
      int32 IPminor ;
    } IPStatus ;

When a call has a status block associated with it, the RIP initializes the status structure as follows:

    major = IPS_OK
    minor = IPS_UNDEFINED

The error codes are defined in gipdefs.h .

The RIP examines the status structure at the end of the logical call and takes appropriate action. The RIP inspects the IPmajor field first. The value of IPminor might not be inspected at all, depending on the value of IPmajor .

The values that the plugin sets in these fields depend upon the selector call in question. The input plugin selectors are documented in (v13) Input Plugin Selectors . The documentation for any call with which the RIP passes an IPStatus structure gives information on what values the plugin should set in the structure.

Although the major and minor fields are currently only examined at the end of a logical call, the values should be left as IPS_OK and IPS_UNDEFINED for the duration of a multiple call, to allow for the possibility of setting other status codes during the multiple call in the future.

If the plugin needs to issue a message to explain an error, it should use the input plugin library function PluginOutMonitor() .

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