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(v13) The SWStatus structure

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

This structure contains information on the RIP's state. The plugin may need to use this information.

SWStatus is only used as part of the channelContext structure.

A plugin could use this to pass information on to the machine trying to print the file. For example, during AppleTalk printing, a status string is displayed in the dialog box on the Macintosh doing the printing, and an AppleTalk plugin can compose the message from the fields of SWStatus to pass back along the connection.

      typedef struct swStatus { int32 numStatusStrings ; uint8 **statusStringPtrs ; int32 statusChanged;
    } SWStatus;

numStatusStrings (SWStatus)


Type: int32

The RIP sets this to the number of (pointers to) status strings to which the statusStringPtrs field points.

statusStringPtrs (SWStatus)

statusStringPtrs Type: uint8**

This points to an array of pointers to the available status strings.

statusStringPtrs[0], ..., statusStringPtrs[numStatusStrings-1]

The meaning of each string is defined in terms of the index into the array of pointers. At present,

numStatusStrings is 4, and meanings are ascribed as follows:

0          AppleTalk type.

1          Printer name, as set by the setprintername operator.

2          Job state: idle, printing, and so on.

3          Job name, as generated by the RIP or set by the job.

statusChanged (SWStatus)

statusChanged Type: int32

The RIP sets this to a nonā€zero value whenever the status strings change. The plugin can then set it to zero when it has seen and acted on the change, if so desired.

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