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(v13) TIFF named colors

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

If a TIFF image contains spots, the RIP parses some Photoshop private tags to derive the process and spot colorant information used in the image. These are the DisplayInfo tags (0x3EF and 0x435), Alternate Spot Colors tag (0x42B), Alpha Channels Names (0x3EE), and Alpha Identifiers (0x41D). These are used to construct a /DeviceN color space, which is then processed by the RIP as normal. The output should contain an accurate rendering of the spot colors.

If a TIFF contains insufficient information for one or more of the spots, it is not an error. Instead, the output renders these spots in black.

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