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(v13) Tiling and the Scalable RIP

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP

From HHR v13.1: When tiling parameters are specified for a job (see settilingparams operator in the Harlequin Extensions Manual ), the Scalable RIP schedules tiles to farm RIPs. There are two different ways this is done, depending on the setting of ScheduleIndividualTiles in the ripfarm_global.json file:

ScheduleIndividualTiles is false

When ScheduleIndividualTiles is false, all the tiles in a page range are scheduled to a single farm RIP. For example, if the chunk size is 2 and we have two farm RIPs processing a 10-page job, all tiles for pages 1-2 are scheduled to one of the farm RIPs; all tiles for pages 3-4 are scheduled to the other farm RIP and so on for pages 5-6, 7-8, and 9-10 as RIPs become free.

ScheduleIndividualTiles is true

When ScheduleIndividualTiles is true, each tile on a page is scheduled to any farm RIP that happens to be free. Tiles within a page range are scheduled first. For example, if the chunk size is 2 and we have two farm RIPs processing a 10-page job, all tiles  are scheduled to both the first farm RIP and second farm RIP. When all tiles are scheduled tiles are scheduled next and so on. As another example, a 1-page job with 100 tiles on the page shares the tiles between the two farm RIPs; if ScheduleIndividualTiles was false, a single farm RIP processes all the tiles, while the second farm RIP remains idle.

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