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(v13) What does the Harlequin Scalable RIP look like when delivered to you?

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP

This section describes at a high level what a Scalable RIP looks like as a deliverable. HHR can be used in three scaling modes:

Single RIP

Multiple RIPs on one server

Multiple servers


Harlequin Core

Single-server Harlequin Scalable RIP

Multi-server Harlequin Scalable RIP

Use case

Light production, simplest integration

Relatively simple integration for devices that are fast enough to require more than one RIP

Maximum throughput for devices with very high data rates, at the cost of more complex integration

Simple integration

Command line or hotfolder use or clrip.exe.

Command line or hotfolder use for clrip.exe using the nrips option


Tight integration in HHR

Rework/replace skintest layer in SDK to connect to your DFE functionality.

Separate binary built on SDK code with additional requirements over simple HHR: Must include argument parsing and be built to be self-spawning; example client code can be built into your DFE to provide methods for job submission, status and progress tracking, etc.

Installation management

Nothing special for each individual install

Nothing special for each individual install

Will require editing of configuration files for specific IP addresses/FQDNs.

Table: HHR scaling models

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