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(v13) ZIP SW support

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP

Harlequin Core has supported keeping the contents of the SW folder in a ZIP file for some specialist applications. In previous releases, this was only available through compile-time options. If the ZIP device support is in the core, then this capability is now a run-time option in the skin.ZIP in SW should only be used following guidance from Global Graphics, especially for high-performance environments; files are extracted from the ZIP file to a temporary location when they are used, entailing a performance cost. If needed, support for SW in ZIP can be enabled in two ways:

  1. For compatibility, if a file called BootFile.bin is found inside the SW folder, then its contents are used for SW files. The SW folder should contain just this file. Files will be extracted to SW/ZIP before use.
  2. The new -Z option to clrip can explicitly name a ZIP file containing the SW files. An empty SW folder must still exist, which is used to locate the SW/ZIP directory to extract files into before use.

Examples of the -Z option are:

clrip -c Composite300dpi -Z

RIP a PostScript file, using the SW/ZIP directory to temporarily extract files from the file, found in a location relative to the current directory.

clrip -c Composite300dpi -Z C:\Path\to\ file.p s

RIP a PostScript file, using the SW/ZIP directory to temporarily extract files from the file, found in an absolute path location.

The ZIPped SW can specify a directory to extract files into using the -W option, similar to the Union filesystem. This allows multiple instances of RIPs to share a single ZIPped SW without interfering with each other:

clrip -c Composite300dpi -Z -W SW-write

RIP a PostScript file, using the SW-write/ZIP directory to temporarily extract files from the file.

clrip -c Composite300dpi -Z -W C:\temp\SW-write

RIP a PostScript file, using the absolute directory C:\temp\SW-write\ZIP to temporarily extract files from the file.

clrip -c Composite300dpi -Z -W "%ram%"

RIP a PostScript file, using a RAM disk to temporarily extract files from the file.

NOTE:   Use of Zipped SW files is not directly supported with the Union filesystem.



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