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Where are the LDK components located?

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

This table shows the location of the LDK components on Windows relative to the RIP install directory when the Global Graphics installer is used. If you are writing your own installer, we recommend that you use the same directory structure:

haspdinst.exeInstaller for the Sentinel LDK runtime environment\ldk
ldktool.exeTool for activating and inspecting Global Graphics LDK licenses, with a graphical user interface\ldk\utils
ldkutil.exeUtility for activating and manipulating Global Graphics LDK licenses from the command line\ldk\utils
Sentinel Admin Control CenterShortcut for starting the Sentinel Admin Control Center in a browser\ldk\utils
GetDongleInfo.exeUtility to recover HLS license information for use in a migration from HLS to LDK licensing\ldk
DisableDongleUtility to de-program an HLS dongle as an alternative to physically returning it when upgrading from HLS to LDK\ldk

This table shows the location of the LDK components on Linux relative to the RIP install directory when the Global Graphics installer is used. If you are writing your own installer, we recommend that you use the same directory structure:

aksusbd-n.n-n.i386.rpmInstaller for the Sentinel LDK runtime environment. (Replace the ā€œnā€ characters to match the version present.)\ldk

Sentinel local license manager component

ldktoolTool for activating and inspecting Global Graphics LDK licenses, with a graphical user interface\ldk\utils

Utility for activating and manipulating Global Graphics LDK licenses from the command line

Sentinel Admin Control Center.urlShortcut for starting the Sentinel Admin Control Center in a browser\ldk\utils
DisableDongleUtility to de-program an HLS dongle as an alternative to physically returning it when upgrading from HLS to LDK\ldk
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