/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* <copyright file="main.cpp" company="Global Graphics Software Ltd">
* Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Global Graphics Software Ltd. All rights reserved.
* </copyright>
* <summary>
* This example is provided on an "as is" basis and without warranty of any kind.
* Global Graphics Software Ltd. does not warrant or make any representations
* regarding the use or results of use of this example.
* </summary>
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <format>
#include <filesystem>
using namespace std;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
#include <jawsmako/jawsmako.h>
#include <jawsmako/layout.h>
#include <jawsmako/pdfinput.h>
#include <jawsmako/pdfoutput.h>
using namespace JawsMako;
using namespace EDL;
#define M2X(value) ((value) / 25.4 * 96.0)
#define P2X(value) ((value) / 72.0 * 96.0)
// Forward declarations
IDOMImagePtr getImage(const IJawsMakoPtr& mako, const U8String& imageFile);
IPagePtr getPageContent(const IJawsMakoPtr& mako, uint32 pageIndex);
void addMetadata(const IJawsMakoPtr& mako, const IDocumentPtr& document);
U8String getMetadata(const IDocumentPtr& document);
void clearMetadata(const IDocumentPtr& document);
int main()
const auto mako = IJawsMako::create();
// New assembly
auto assembly = IDocumentAssembly::create(mako);
auto document = IDocument::create(mako);
// Input. We need this to reload the assembly after an incremental save
const auto pdfInput = IPDFInput::create(mako);
// Output
const auto pdfOutput = IPDFOutput::create(mako);
* Method 1: Write multiple files to disk
std::wcout << L"Method 1: Multiple files" << std::endl;
// Timer
clock_t begin = clock();
// Create a 10-page document, incrementally saving after each page is added
for (uint32 pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < 20; pageIndex++)
document->appendPage(getPageContent(mako, pageIndex));
// Add a date stamp
addMetadata(mako, document);
// Write the PDF
U8String outputFile = std::format(R"(TestPDF_{:03}.pdf)", pageIndex + 1).c_str();
pdfOutput->writeAssembly(assembly, outputFile);
// Reopen: output becomes input
assembly = pdfInput->open(outputFile);
document = assembly->getDocument();
clock_t end = clock();
clock_t elapsed_msecs = (end - begin);
if (elapsed_msecs < 1000L)
std::wcout << L"-- Elapsed time: less than a second." << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"-- Elapsed time: " << elapsed_msecs / 1000.0 << L" seconds." << std::endl;
* Method 2: Use a shared stream
std::wcout << L"Method 2: Shared stream" << std::endl;
// New assembly
assembly = IDocumentAssembly::create(mako);
document = IDocument::create(mako);
// Timer
begin = clock();
// Create a 10-page document, incrementally saving after each page is added
IRAInputStreamPtr reader;
IRAOutputStreamPtr writer;
for (uint32 pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < 20; pageIndex++)
// ReaderWriter we'll use to test this.
mako->getTempStore()->createTemporaryReaderWriterPair(reader, writer);
// Add content
document->appendPage(getPageContent(mako, pageIndex));
// Add a date stamp
addMetadata(mako, document);
// Write the PDF
pdfOutput->writeAssembly(assembly, writer);
// Reopen: output becomes input
assembly = pdfInput->open(reader);
document = assembly->getDocument();
// Now write the final PDF to disk
IOutputStream::copy(reader, IOutputStream::createToFile(mako, "TestPDF.pdf"));
end = clock();
elapsed_msecs = (end - begin);
if (elapsed_msecs < 1000L)
std::wcout << L"-- Elapsed time: less than a second." << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"-- Elapsed time: " << elapsed_msecs / 1000.0 << L" seconds." << std::endl;
* Now look at the created doc
const auto inputFilePath = "TestPDF.pdf";
std::wcout << L"Processing file " << inputFilePath << L"..." << std::endl;
const auto numSaves = pdfInput->getNumIncrementalSaves(inputFilePath);
std::cout << "This file has " << numSaves << " incremental saves." << std::endl;
// Get all of them
const CIRAInputStreamVect incrementalSaves = pdfInput->getIncrementalSaves(inputFilePath);
// Display their metadata, if present
for (uint32 i = 0; i < numSaves; i++)
const auto isDocument = pdfInput->open(incrementalSaves[i])->getDocument();
std::cout << "Increment " << i + 1 << " - Date stamp: " << getMetadata(isDocument);
if (numSaves > 1)
// Which incremental save?
std::cout << "\nChoose one to save as a separate PDF: ";
uint32 saveIndex;
std::wcin >> saveIndex;
if (saveIndex < 1)
saveIndex = 0;
if (saveIndex > numSaves - 1)
saveIndex = numSaves - 1;
// Save the stream as is, which will be quick
IOutputStream::copy(incrementalSaves[saveIndex], IOutputStream::createToFile(mako, "TestOut1.pdf"));
// Reload as an assembly and rewrite, allowing the incremental saves to be removed.
const auto inAssembly = pdfInput->openIncremental(inputFilePath, saveIndex);
pdfOutput->writeAssembly(inAssembly, "TestOut2.pdf");
catch (IError& e)
const String errorFormatString = getEDLErrorString(e.getErrorCode());
std::wcerr << L"Exception thrown: " << e.getErrorDescription(errorFormatString) << std::endl;
return static_cast<int>(e.getErrorCode());
catch (std::exception& e)
std::wcerr << L"std::exception thrown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
// Get image
IDOMImagePtr getImage(const IJawsMakoPtr& mako, const U8String& imageFile)
IDOMImagePtr image = IDOMImagePtr();
const auto imagePath = fs::path(imageFile);
if (!exists(imagePath))
std::string msg = "Image file ";
msg += imageFile;
msg += " not found.";
throw std::exception(msg.c_str());
if (imagePath.extension() == ".jpg")
image = IDOMJPEGImage::create(mako, IInputStream::createFromFile(mako, imageFile));
if (imagePath.extension() == ".png")
image = IDOMPNGImage::create(mako, IInputStream::createFromFile(mako, imageFile));
if (imagePath.extension() == ".tif")
image = IDOMTIFFImage::create(mako, IInputStream::createFromFile(mako, imageFile));
if (!image)
std::string msg = "Image file ";
msg += imageFile;
msg += " could not be loaded.";
throw std::exception(msg.c_str());
return image;
IPagePtr getPageContent(const IJawsMakoPtr& mako, uint32 pageIndex)
// Get a font
uint32 fontIndex;
const auto font = edlobj2IDOMFontOpenType(mako->findFont("Arial", fontIndex));
// Create a colour
const auto darkBlue = IDOMColor::createSolidRgb(mako, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
// Create template paragraphs
const auto header = ILayoutParagraph::create(ILayoutParagraph::eHALeft, P2X(10));
const auto body = ILayoutParagraph::create(ILayoutParagraph::eHAJustified, P2X(7));
// Create a page
const auto page = IPage::create(mako);
const auto fixedPage = IDOMFixedPage::create(mako);
// A vector to point to each paragraph to be added to the frame(s)
auto paragraphs = CEDLVector<ILayoutParagraphPtr>();
uint32 paraIndex = 0;
// Create a layout
const auto layout = ILayout::create(mako);
// Add frame to hold content
layout->addFrame(ILayoutFrame::create(FRect(M2X(12), M2X(12), M2X(186), M2X(273))));
// Create paragraphs and text runs
const std::string text = std::format("This is page {}", pageIndex + 1);
auto run = ILayoutTextRun::create(text.c_str(), font, fontIndex, P2X(72), darkBlue);
// Load some text
std::ifstream inputFile(R"(..\..\TestFiles\text.txt)");
if (inputFile.is_open())
const std::string fileContents((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(inputFile)),
run = ILayoutTextRun::create(fileContents.c_str(), font, fontIndex, P2X(14));
// Picture
const auto pic = getImage(mako, std::format(R"(..\..\TestFiles\Image_{:03}.jpg)", pageIndex % 5 + 1).c_str());
paragraphs[++paraIndex]->addRun(ILayoutImageRun::create(mako, pic, M2X(185)));
// Add content to the page
return page;
// Add metadata entry to help identify a given version of the PDF
void addMetadata(const IJawsMakoPtr& mako, const IDocumentPtr& document)
// Get the time
const std::string s1 = std::format("{:%F %T}", std::chrono::system_clock::now());
const std::string s2 = std::format("{:%F %T %Z}", std::chrono::zoned_time{
std::chrono::current_zone(), std::chrono::system_clock::now()
// Get the document store
const IPDFObjectStorePtr documentStore = document->getObjectStore();
// Create a dictionary
const auto dictionary = IPDFDictionary::create(mako);
dictionary->put("SmartSaveDate", IPDFString::create(s2.c_str()));
// Put that in the catalog
const auto catalog = pdfObj2IPDFDictionary(documentStore->getRootObject());
// Store the reference to our new dictionary under the key "SmartSave"
catalog->put("SmartSave", dictionary);
// And the catalog is now dirty, so we need to note this for an incremental update.
U8String getMetadata(const IDocumentPtr& document)
// Open the document store
const IPDFObjectStorePtr documentStore = document->getObjectStore();
// Fetch the catalog, which is the root of this store
const auto catalog = pdfObj2IPDFDictionary(documentStore->getRootObject());
// Find a dictionary entry
const IPDFObjectPtr object = catalog->get("SmartSave");
if (!object)
return "No entry found";
// Which we expect is a PDF dictionary
const auto customDictionary = pdfObj2IPDFDictionary(object);
U8String result;
for (IPDFDictionary::Iterator pos = customDictionary->begin(); pos != customDictionary->end(); ++pos)
if (pos.getValue()->getType() == ePOTString)
result += pdfObj2IPDFString(pos.getValue())->getValue().c_str();
result += '\n';
return result;
void clearMetadata(const IDocumentPtr& document)
// Get the document store
const IPDFObjectStorePtr documentStore = document->getObjectStore();
// Put that in the catalog
const auto catalog = pdfObj2IPDFDictionary(documentStore->getRootObject());
// Look for the custom dictionary
const IPDFObjectPtr object = catalog->get("SmartSave");
if (!object)
// Remove the reference to the key "SmartSave"
const auto smartSaveDictionary = pdfObj2IPDFDictionary(object);
if (smartSaveDictionary)
// And the catalog is now dirty