Mako Watermarker
Mako Watermarker
Adds a watermark, generated from a text string or a page from a PDF. Control is provided over angle and opacity.
Mako Watermarker v1.0.0.X
makowatermarker.exe <source.pdf> [<output.pdf>] [parameter=setting] [parameter=setting] ...
input.pdf source PDF
output.pdf PDF file to write the output to.
If no output file is specified, <source file>_watermarked.pdf is assumed.
parameter=setting one or more settings, described below.
t=<watermark> Text of watermark, eg 'Draft'
f=<watermark pdf> Use first page of the specified PDF as the watermark content.
a=<angle> Angle from -180°(anti-clockwise) to +180°(clockwise) of rotation
If no angle is specified, a default of zero (ie horizontal) is assumed)
The next four parameters control the color and opacity of the watermark text
r=<red> Red component % value in range 0 - 100. Default is zero
g=<green> Green component % value in range 0 - 100. Default is 80%
b=<blue> Blue component % value in range 0 - 100. Default is 80%
o=<opacity> Opacity % value in range 0 - 100. Default is 40%
i=<yes|no> Incremental save:
Y = use it (default)
N = do not use it; processing will take longer but may produce smaller output
How it works
If the option to create a text-based watermark is chosen, this code is used to create a group that can be added to the page.
// Choose a font. Choose Arial again as it's likely to be present.
// We'll get adventurous and choose bold though.
uint32 fontIndex; // In case the font is inside a TrueType collection
const IDOMFontPtr font = jawsMako->findFont(params.fontName, fontIndex);
// A brush for the watermark
const IDOMBrushPtr solidBrush = IDOMSolidColorBrush::create(jawsMako,
IDOMColor::create(jawsMako, IDOMColorSpacesRGB::create(jawsMako),
float(params.redValue / 100.0f),
float(params.greenValue / 100.0f),
float(params.blueValue / 100.0f)
// A transform to rotate the text by the specified angle of rotation
FMatrix rotate = FMatrix();
rotate.rotate(double(params.angle) * (PI / 180.0));
// Create the glyphs.
IDOMGlyphsPtr glyphs = IDOMGlyphs::create(jawsMako, params.watermarkText, 120, FPoint(0.0, 0.0), solidBrush,
font, fontIndex, IDOMGlyphs::eStyleSimulationsNone, rotate);
const FRect glyphBounds = glyphs->getBounds();
IDOMGroupPtr group = IDOMGroup::create(jawsMako, FMatrix(), IDOMPathGeometry::create(jawsMako, glyphBounds));
Alternatively, the content can be pulled from another file:
// Create a PDF input
IPDFInputPtr input = IPDFInput::create(jawsMako);
// Get the page from the input
IPagePtr page = input->open(params.watermarkPdf)->getDocument()->getPage(0);
const FRect cropBox = page->getCropBox();
// and content
const IDOMFixedPagePtr pageContent = page->getContent();
// Release page, we no longer need it
// A transform to rotate the content by the specified angle of rotation
rotate.rotate(double(params.angle) * (PI / 180.0));
// Make a group with that transform
IDOMGroupPtr group = IDOMGroup::create(jawsMako, rotate, IDOMPathGeometry::create(jawsMako, cropBox));
// Copy all the source DOM into that group
IDOMNodePtr child = pageContent->getFirstChild();
while (child)
child->cloneTreeAndAppend(jawsMako, group);
child = child->getNextSibling();
Adding the watermark to the page
Calculate a suitable transform to scale the content to suit the target page size. Add the content to a form XObject (IDOMForm
), as this is an efficient way to add the same content to multiple pages.
Finally, every page is watermarked, respecting the opacity setting:
// Apply the watermark to every page
for (uint32 pageNum = 0; pageNum < pageCount; pageNum++)
// A FormInstance is needed to hold the form (one per page)
IDOMFormInstancePtr formInstance = createInstance<IDOMFormInstance>(
jawsMako, CClassID(IDOMFormInstanceClassID));
formInstance->setOpacity(float(params.opacityValue / 100.0f));
page = document->getPage(pageNum);
IDOMFixedPagePtr fixedPage = page->edit();
Useful sample code
- Creating text content
- Reading content from a file
- Transforming content
- Using form
to add the same content to several pages