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Getting Started (SmartQI)

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Creating a Device with SmartQI enabled

SmartQI is an option that can be added to any Smart Dveice Configuration.

The easiest way to create a Configuration with SmartQI enable is to modify an existing one using Smart Device Configurator.

  1. Start Smart Device Configurator
  2. Load an existing SDC
    1. Click Load and select Device - CMYK.sdc
      If the file is not shown, navigate to: C:\ProgramData\Smart Print Controller\DeviceConfigs
  3. Create a Template file to edit
    This will convert the sample Device - CMYK.sdc into a template file that can be edited. 
    1. Save a Template
      Click the Save Arrow and select 'Save as Template...'
      Call the file Device - QI.sdc
    2. Load the Template
      Reload the saved Template file in step 3
  4. Enable the SmartQI Option
    1. In the General Tab Ensure the SmartQI Option is set to Supported
  5. Add the additional RIP Config Template Files
    1. Select the RIP Config Templates Tab
    2. Click 'Open Standard Templates' folder
    3. Click 'Open Device templates' folder
    4. Copy 2 files from 'Standard Templates' to the same location in 'Device Templates'
      1. PostScript\QI
      2. RIPServer_QI.json
    5. Close the 2 Windows explorer windows opened in steps b and c.
    6. Click the 'Refresh' button
      You will now see the two files copied appear in the file tree
  6. Save the Smart Device Configuration
    1. Save as Device - QI.sdc
      NOTE: Do not save as a Template

Configuring SmartQI in Smart Print Controller

  1. Load the new SDC file
    1. In the Engineer tab click 'Load Device' and load the previously saved Device - QI.sdc
  2. By default the setup with be configured for TIFF, change to SmartQI
    1. Delete the current RIP Server using the '-' button
    2. Add a new RIP Server using the '+' button.
      Leave all the setting unchanged, except toggle on QI System
      Click 'Add'
  3. Click Apply to send the setting to the RIP Server.
  4. Save the settings
    1. Click 'Save Device'
      It is OK to save over Device - QI.sdc, this file is exactly the same except with SmartQI enabled by default

Submitting a job 

This operation is exactly the same as any other job in SPC.

  1. Drop a PDF (e.g. CambridgeGold.pdf) onto the waiting queue
  2. Move it to the Print
  3. Click Start to begin the Print Run
  4. The output will appear in: C:\SPCHD\QI

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