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Screening error codes

These are errors that can occur during screening and are recorded in the ScreenPro log file.

ScreenPro Core customers will find the information below for their specific version of ScreenPro Core in the ScreenPro.h file.

Error code


Additional notes

1Failed to allocate required memoryNot enough RAM
2Unsupported or invalid arguments
3Missing or zero-size TOML config file
4Failed to open the given file
5Failed to read from the given fileCheck that the given file has read permissions assigned to it. 
6Failed to write to the given fileCheck that the given file has write permissions assigned to it. 
7TOML file syntax error
8An API call has been made in the wrong context
9TOML key not recognized
10The maximum number of screenshots exceeded
11Incorrect size of structure
12Invalid screen type selected
13Missing or zero-size tile file (.bin)
14Tile file (.bin) has incorrect syntax
15Missing or zero-size .dat fileThe calibration may not have been correctly applied to the screen. 
16.dat file has incorrect syntax
17Error when decrypting web calibration
18Screening with an invalid channel
19Error in licensing
20One or more time limited licenses have expiredThe license has expired. Please contact support for additional assistance. 
21Nozzle count not provided for center or right aligned nozzle out compensation
22Nozzle count from config file is different from calibration
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.