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Hqn020 - Morisawa font support in the Harlequin RIP

Harlequin RIP
Morisawa font support in the Harlequin RIP

How do I get a copy of the Harlequin RIP that supports Morisawa fonts?

In order to use Morisawa fonts in the Harlequin RIP your company as a Harlequin RIP OEM first must sign a multi-way security agreement with Global Graphics and Morisawa. Experience to date indicates that you must have a Japanese agent or distributor who may also be required to be a party to the agreement. Details on such contractual matters are beyond the scope of this tech-note; please see your commercial contact if you require this information.

Enabling Morisawa font support

Morisawa font support cannot be enabled and disabled in a copy of the Harlequin RIP. Any particular copy of the application will either include the code (and have it enabled) or will not include the Morisawa font decryption code at all. If you (as a Harlequin RIP OEM) have just signed the necessary agreements, you will need a new shipment of your RIP application from Global Graphics in order to use the fonts.

Does this RIP support Morisawa fonts?

A Boolean system parameter is included in all revisions of the RIP in which the preparations for Morisawa font support have been completed. In order to determine whether Morisawa font support is included in a particular copy of the RIP enter the following in an Executive window:

currentsystemparams /MorisawaFonts get ==

A value of true means that Morisawa fonts are supported, a value of false means that they are not. If you see an undefined error, offendingcommand get then the revision you are examining is not capable of Morisawa font support at all.

Morisawa font protection

Several values obtained from the RIP are combined together with a unique encryption code for each different Morisawa font in order to generate a unique password which must be keyed in when downloading a font.

Global Graphics is supplied by Morisawa with a unique encryption code for each OEM who signs the required agreement. Both this and the RIP's short product name define the RIP as having been supplied by a particular Harlequin RIP OEM. This means that any changes to your product name after reaching agreement with Morisawa must be notified to them and may mean that existing font downloading passwords will no longer be valid.

The next element obtained from the RIP is its serial number. Where the RIP is protected by dongle this is encoded into the dongle, where it's protected by permit it is included in the permit file. In GUI RIPs the serial number, together with a checksum, is reported in the RIP monitor when the RIP starts up as, e.g:

Serial number: 6729-43

In this case the serial number itself is 6729 and the checksum is 43. In all RIPs it is possible to determine the serial number by executing the following PostScript language code fragment (e.g. in the Executive window):

serialnumber ==

The final element obtained from the RIP is the maximum resolution at which it may be used. This value is also stored in the dongle or permit depending on the protection method employed. It is set by your OEM agreement with Global Graphics, and may be determined by executing the following PostScript language code fragment (e.g. in the Executive window):

currentsystemparams /MaxResolution get ==

What happens when you change the name of the OEM RIP?

When you, as a Harlequin RIP OEM, previously entered into an agreement with Morisawa, you were given a CD and a password to allow the installation of Morisawa fonts. The password provided is connected to the Morisawa ID and the product name which is sent to Global Graphics by Morisawa and then built into the RIP provided to you.

If you decide to change the name of your RIP you do not need to create a new agreement with Morisawa. Instead, Global Graphics have created the "Morisawa product name" to ease this process.

The Morisawa ID is attached to the (short) product name of the RIP, and when the product name changes, Global Graphics will simply re-define the old product name as the "Morisawa product name". In this way you can continue to use the same downloader, installer and password.

If for any reason you do need to change your agreement with Morisawa it is recommended that you do not change the Morisawa ID. If you do change the Morisawa ID, the original password for installing the fonts will not work and your customers will not be able to upgrade.

Downloading Morisawa fonts

In order to install a Morisawa font into a copy of the RIP you must first obtain the following, all of which are supplied by Morisawa and not by Global Graphics:

  1. The font itself.
  2. A font downloader application suitable for use with a RIP supplied by the correct OEM. A downloader that works with RIPs supplied by one specific OEM may not work with RIPs supplied by another OEM.
  3. A password that is keyed to all of:
    1. The OEM through whom the RIP was supplied,
    2. The font which is to be downloaded,
    3. The serial number of the RIP on which the font is to be installed.
    4. The maximum resolution of that RIP.

Once you have all these elements you should follow the installation instructions sup- plied by Morisawa with their font installer.

The fonts may only be downloaded over AppleTalk. The Font Downloader application must be run on an Apple Macintosh, but the RIP may be running on any platform, as long as it supports AppleTalk input.

Adobe font library and Morisawa font library fonts
Morisawa fonts have been available as after-market items under the two labels "Adobe Font Library" and "Morisawa Font Library". Fonts sold under these names use a different encryption method to those supplied through the agreement between Global Graphics and Morisawa and may not be used with Harlequin RIPs. In most cases the versions of fonts that do run with the RIP (sold under the label "MPS") contain significantly more characters than the earlier releases.

Change history

v 1.1


As of ScriptWorks version 3.3 revision 7 the short product name of the RIP, rather than the long product name is used to identify the RIP to the down- loader.

v 1.2


Updated cover page and copyright page. Removed references to Script- Works and replaced with Harlequin RIP.



Added section on "What happens when you change the name of the OEM RIP?"

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