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Pagebuffer redirection

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core.

It is possible to redirect pagebuffer files.

Redirection means that the pagebuffer files are created in a named directory that is not the one used by the Output Controller. Redirected files do not appear in the Output Controller but still become available for other purposes such as providing input to another process.

Redirection is possible in all page buffering modes, including Single and Single (if required). That is, it is not necessary for the RIP to be using or displaying the Output Controller.

Redirection is based upon a device of DeviceType 30. The %raster-rdwr% device is an instance defined in SW/Sys/ExtraDevices for all relevant versions of the RIP. This device is available for use with FlatOut or redirection.

The steps required to set up redirection can be summarized as:

  1. Choose a directory and add a filing system device if it is needed to enable access from the RIP.
  2. Define the filing system device as the redirection device for a device of DeviceType 30.
  3. Switch on redirection by setting the pagedevice key /OutputRedirect to true.
  4. Optionally, set up a jobname (to control the produced file names).

Steps 1 and 2 are persistent within a RIP session, and can be performed in start up files. Steps 3 and 4 must be performed for each job. It is possible to perform all steps within a page feature if using the predefined %raster-rdwr% device.

It is possible to set up more than one redirection. The example page feature and its following notes show how.

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