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How to upgrade a license

No internet connection is required for this procedure.

This section describes how you can upgrade a ScreenPro license to include PrintFlat Create or include additional screeners. 

  1. Start the LDK Tool and click Display Keys.
  2. Retrieve the Key ID of the license you wish to be upgraded and send it to ScreenPro Support.
  3. ScreenPro Support then supplies you with a new license key via email or a Support Request. 
  4. Click Done to close the Keys Window.
  5. Located on the bottom right of the LDK Tool window, click More... to display a list of additional options, and then click Update License.
  6. Navigate through the options until you get to the screen where it asks for a Product Key and displays a dropdown list that contains a list of Key IDs.
  7. Select the Key ID you provided earlier in the dropdown and copy the new license key that was provided by ScreenPro Support.
  8. Click the Activate button, which activates the new license. 
  9. Return to the main menu, click on Display Keys, and then the Key ID.
  10. Confirm that the features list has been updated with the new features. 
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