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Spot Colors

In the Spot Colors panel, you have the option to include spot colors, which can encompass technical separations, metallic inks, white backing, as well as traditional spot colors like Pantones.

To add a Spot Color click "+" and a Custom Color window is displayed.

This will show the mapped in gamut color and the Delta E color difference. You can manually change the Lab value or the CMYK Sliders to change the color. (Or CMYKOV sliders if you have a suitable ECG profile).

To remove a color, click "-"and a warning is displayed as below:


You can change your preferences under the File menu. Here you can choose whether to calculate Delta E using the CIE 1976 standard or the CIE 2000 standard. You can also choose your tolerance for the out of gamut warning to be triggered.

Other Actions

To import a .tcb file with a list of spot colors, click "Import TCB". A warning window is displayed as below:

Once imported, all the spots in the TCB file are listed as below.

If a color is out of gamut then a warning triangle is displayed. If you place your cursor over the triangle the delta E or color difference value is displayed to show you how far out of gamut it is.

If you select a color and right click, you have the option to “Rename Color”, “Change Color”, “Convert to Process Color” or “Replace with In Gamut Color”.

To export a .tcb file, click on "Export TCB".

3D Gamut View: 

It allows the user to view the gamut of the ICC that is being used.

Click the checkbox of a color entry to show/hide the color in the 3D view; click the checkbox of "Spot Colors" to show/hide all spot colors in 3D view.

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