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User Guide (Smart Device Configurator)


The Smart Device Configurator application offers a mechanism to define printer characteristics in a way that you can import into companion applications.

The application is separated into several tabs, each relating to a part of the printer definition.

General Tab

This section is used to define the Name and style of characteristics of the printer (simplex, mono etc)

This section has editing disabled when loading a .sdc file, if parameters on the General tab need to be changed it should be considered a new printer.

Print Bar Groups

A Print Bar Group is typically used to define a specific RIP Server configuration

If different RIP Server configurations are required (e.g. 600x600dpi and 1200x1200dpi) these would be defines as 2 different Print Bar Groups

When setting up the RIP Servers in SPC, each RIP Server can be assigned to Print Bars within a single Print Bar Group.
It is not possible to assign Print Bars from different Print Bar Groups to a single RIP Server.

Defining Print Bars and Print Bar Groups is very important if there are print bars with different characteristics.

This section has editing disabled when loading a .sdc file, if parameters on the Print Bar Groups tab need to be changed it should be considered a new printer.

Print Bars

A Print Bar typically defines a single colorant.

Each Print Bar must be assigned a unique plane number.

Print Bars can be assigned to any Print Bar Group.

This section has editing disabled when loading a .sdc file, if parameters on the Print Bar tab need to be changed it should be considered a new printer.

RIP Support Files

RIP Support files are special files that are needed by the RIP Server for a specific installation (e.g. a custom output device).

These can be managed easily within the Smart Device Configurator and selectively added to the Smart Device Configuration file simplifying custom installations.

RIP Config Templates

RIP Config Templates define the operation of the RIP Server.

This section allows examining of the settings, and also the addition of new files (for example when adding anew output device)

User interface

Menu items


Exit (Alt+F4) - Exit the application.


View Log - Open the application log file in the default viewer.

About - Report the version number of the application.


Create a new device configuration, overwriting any current current settings.


Load an existing configuration from disk, overwriting any current settings.


By default the button will Save the current device configuration to a file.

Clicking the dropdown mark provides an option to save as a 'Template'

Template files contains the same information as .sdc files, but do not contain any Smart Media Definitions.

Template files can be useful since they allow editing of content on the General, Print Bar Groups and Print Bar tabs that loading an .sdc file prevents.

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