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Adding annotations with HqnLayout

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

Color bars and control strips may be used either with simple imposition, or by using the “proofing control strip” selection in the Harlequin RIP Page Setup dialog.

An annotation may be defined as using a ControlBar object, a simple Mark dictionary (as defined for use with HqnImpose2; see HqnImpose2 and simple imposition compatibility), multiple Mark dictionaries, or as a spacer to position other annotations.

Annotations are defined as PostScript language files in SW/Usr/HqnLayout/Annots. Each file must return a single dictionary, containing the following keys:



The space required for the annotation. Ignored if AnnotType=ControlBar (the value of ControlDepth in the ControlBar object is used in that case).



Default: key required

Several forms of annotation may be used. The value of this key determines which type this annotation is:


This annotation uses a control bar defined in SW/Usr/ColorBars/Components.


This annotation uses a simple Mark object.


This annotation comprises several simple mark objects.


This annotation makes no marks and is used for positioning other annotations.



Required if MarkType=ControlBar; ignored otherwise:

The name of a ControlBar object defined in a file in: 




The orientation of the annotation relative to the edge of the raster produced is normally set by the HeadOut key in a dictionary within the Annotations array in the FrontVals or BackVals dictionary of an imposition setup. It may, however, be overridden by setting the value in the Annotation object itself.

If Headout is false, the foot of the annotation is placed towards the edge of the raster. If tru , the head of the annotation is placed towards the edge.



Required if AnnotType=Mark; ignored otherwise. A Mark dictionary.

The dictionary must contain the keys BaseX and BaseY, which provide the offset (in points) from the lower left corner of the rectangle allocated for this annotation. (X , Y , Angle, and BaseAngle are ignored, if supplied.)

The mark may be automatically repeated horizontally as many times as it fits into the space available by setting MarkWidth, and by defining an additional key, Repeat, with a value of true within the Mark dictionary. If Repeat is present and true, BaseX is ignored. Annotations created using the “Install Annotation” page feature provide examples of this usage.

The length of annotation names is limited; if the EPS has a long %%Title, it does not appear in the GUI dialog.


array of dictionaries

Required if MarkType=MultiMark; ignored otherwise. Each dictionary must be a Mark dictionary.

Each Mark dictionary must contain the keys BaseX and BaseY, which provide the offset (in points) from the lower left corner of the rectangle allocated for this annotation for each mark. These values should be set to position the marks relative to each other within the annotation area. X , Y , Angle, and BaseAngle are ignored, if supplied.



Required. The name of the annotation. This must match the name of the file within the Annots directory. This name is used in the simple imposition GUI, or through the PostScript language API.

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