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Ending a page of output

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

The RIP calls D_CLOSE when page output is complete, instructing the plugin to finish the page.

A page is considered complete when d_linesprinted (in deviceDefinition ) reaches imageHeight (in pageHeader ), and d_feeding (in deviceDefinition ) is zero.

The plugin can prevent D_CLOSE , which ends the page, being called too soon by setting d_feeding to a non‐zero value. While d_feeding is non‐zero, the RIP sends repeated D_IDLE calls. Setting this might, for example, be necessary to give the device time to position a write head or send dummy image data for a bottom margin.

Once the D_CLOSE call comes, the page should be output. If the plugin (or the output device) needs more time before the RIP sends the next page (for instance, to watch for errors in media cut/eject operations), it can get it if the D_WAIT_ON_CLOSE selector has been implemented. See D_WAIT_ON_CLOSE .

Note: An implementation of D_WAIT_ON_CLOSE is extremely useful when a page is terminated because of an error, since D_CLOSE comes immediately in such a case, missing the check of the d_feeding flag in deviceDefinition .

D_OPEN_ENDJOB and D_CLOSE_ENDJOB are used with D_IDLE at the end of each job. D_IDLE must there‐ fore differentiate between calls made during output, and calls made during endjob processing.

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