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Harlequin Core v13.2r1 Release Notes

This page applies to Harlequin v13.2r1 and later


Harlequin Release Notes are now published directly to our website.

Harlequin Core v13.2r1 is a minor release since 13.2r0. This release consolidates work of v13.2r0 and v13.1r0.

Where performance enhancements indicate % values or time improvements, they are sometimes specific to job types and configuration; they are not cumulative.

Alerts and guidance

This release is of Harlequin Core SDK only; HMR was not built or tested.

Harlequin Core v13.2r1 change details

Jira Story
Support call(s)



Defining modular screens for unrendered colorants may crash the RIP.

A workaround was provided for this issue; this Story is for the permanent fix.

HQN-383828#3940, #3968

Page Offsets Are Wrong When Using Scalable RIP and HVD or tiling



Bad output, (missing objects) with HVD for jobs with XRef object or GGSL_Opaque tags. 

Previously noted as a known issue, this possible bad output with HVD has been resolved.


Implement element cache purging for iHVD

This enhancement avoids the HVD cache becoming full, which could cause a VM error.


Special case 4to4 interpolation for Tom's table

A profiling lead performance enhancement of 7% on certain extremely complex pages


Don't retain backdrop if rendering one channel (output style is irrelevant)

A performance enhancement when a RIP is outputting only one channel, e.g. cyan only


Micro-optimisations to backdrop table interface

Performance enhancement


Fix for Scalable RIP with multiple jobs does not send STOPPED event when farm rip max restart occurs

A bugfix for Scalable RIP


Remove traversal of shfill DLs for groups

A profiling lead performance enhancement of 9% of job time on certain jobs that are heavily constructed of gradients


"Gray" Separation Loses Content

Fixes 1a. The missing content in the customer job


PDF Stack size limit exceeded

In this change We have doubled the PDF stack size so that unwieldy PDFs no longer trigger stack overflows.

Known issues

HQNSUP-126686 - Scalable RIP can sometimes hang when all farm RIPs have exited more than their MaximumFarmRIPRestart count or Ctrl-C is issued on the controlling RIP. Currently under investigation.

HQN-384823 - GUI hangs shortly after launch on RHEL 7.9. On Redhat 7.9 (not seen other versions or other Linux distributions). The installer for the Harlequin Core SDK Core can hang and the file  .properties  needs to go alongside the installer .bin file, and will need to set:


Documentation change details


As part of an ongoing project that will continue for some time, more Harlequin Core content is available to you online:

  • Extensions Manual
  • API Reference Manual
  • SDK Developer’s Guide
  • Knowledge base articles
  • Getting Started Guides

In addition to updating any technical content and formatting, we will amend any invalid hyperlinks as we continue to update and publish the remaining Harlequin Core documents. If you find something that doesn’t look right, please email

These documents are located here:

Updates to supported platforms and compilers





Windows 10 workstation (excludes Windows Mobile and Mobile Enterprise, embedded, and IoT Core).

Windows 8.1 if latest Windows updates, including KB4561666, are applied.


Windows Server 2008 R2 (requires SP1, Standard Edition only, excludes Server Core configuration)

Red Hat Enterprise Server 6.X

Red Hat Enterprise Server 7.X

macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)

macOS 10.14 (Mojave) (from HHR 12.1)

macOS 10.15 (Catalina) (from HHR 13)

Windows Server 2012 R2 (Standard Edition only; excludes Server Core configuration)

Windows 10 workstation (excludes Windows Mobile and Mobile Enterprise, embedded, and IoT Core)

Windows 8.1 if latest Windows updates, including KB4561666, are applied.

Windows Server 2016 (Standard Edition only, excludes Server Core, Nano-server configurations)

Windows Server 2019 (excludes Server Core, Nano-server and Server 1809 configurations; from HHR v12.1)

Windows 11 (Pro, Enterprise) 21H2 build 22000 or later

Compile with MSVC 2019, v16.4 or later (from HHR v13).

Compile with GCC 8.3

Clang 10

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