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HqnLayout patch shapes

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP..

You must select patch shapes from:


Each patch is rectangular, the aspect ratio set by PatchWidth and PatchHeight (default)


Each patch is an oval; set the aspect ratio by PatchWidth and PatchHeight.


The left half of a bean shape


The right half of a bean shape


Square base, rounded top


Square top, round bottom


Small circle in the middle of a patch. PatchStep is normally false for this patch so that it overlays the previous one (normally Square or Round).


The bottom left corner of the patch area. PatchStep is normally false for this patch so that it overlays the previous patch (normally Square).


Small patches, each filling 1/4 of the patch area. PatchStep should be set to false for all but the first of each set of four.


Small patches, each filling 1/6 of the patch area. PatchStep should be set to false for all but the first of each set of six.


A set of concentric circles used to detect slur or other movement between the paper and impression on press


The upper half of a Slur target, designed to be used with SlurBottom in a different separation (and with PatchStep set to false for the second)


The lower half of a Slur target, designed to be used with SlurTop


A registration mark designed to show not only whether a colorant is out of register from Black, but also by how much


Executes file to draw content for the patch. The file name (including path, as necessary, and encoded as a PostScript language file name) should be supplied as the value of the FileName key.

If the file is not a PostScript language file (or EPS with no screen preview), or if it has not been created as 1 unit tall by the appropriate width for the patch, you must include the ScalePatchFile key in the patch definition with the value true; the data is then scaled as necessary for the patch size.

Files referenced from Patches supplied with the RIP that use PatchShape=File are all stored in the SW/Usr/ColorBars directory, but it is not required.


A PostScript language stream to be used to draw the contents of the patch must be supplied as the value of the Stream key. The graphical data should be scaled and positioned so as to fill a square 1 unit tall and with a width appropriate for the patch aspect ratio, with its origin at the lower left corner.

A Stream mark (by default) is loaded into VM as the RIP boots, whereas a File mark is read the data from disk on every occasion that it is used. Thus, Stream marks leave less VM available for the RIPping process but can provide a higher performance if used on every raster output.


Several smaller blocks (each containing a single patch) are drawn together within a single patch. The patch dictionary must contain the key Components, the value of which is an array of block names. The positioning of each subsidiary block within the compound patch is set by the values of CompX, CompY, and CompAngle within the subsidiary block dictionary loaded as a result of looking up the block name.

The Fill value is ignored when PatchShape is Slur, SlurTop, SlurBottom, Regmark  File, Stream,  or Compound .

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