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HqnLayout structs

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

Where the Type column shows "struct", the entry may be one of:

  • A simple value, which is used for all patches.
  • An array containing Columns values, each of which must be one of the base types allowed for the value of this key. All rows in the block use the same sequence of values.
  • An array containing Rows values, each of which is an array of Columns values, each of which must be one of the base types allowed for the value of this key. Each cell in the two-dimensional array defines the value to be used for a single patch.
  • An array containing Rows values, each of which is an array containing a single value which must be one of the base types allowed for the value of this key. The value in each sub-array is used for all patches in the corresponding row. Thus, if Columns is 3 and Rows is 2, PatchShape may be:
            [ /Square /Round /Square ]
            [ [ /RoundTop /Square /RoundTop ] [ /RoundBottom /Square /RoundBottom ] ] [ [ /RoundTop ] [ /RoundBottom ] ]

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