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This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

InputPluginLibInitialise Function


        struct pluginLibGlobals *InputPluginLibInitialise( IPPluginContext *swmem,
        InitVersionPtr *param );

Input plugins needing to use the plugin library should call this function when they receive the D_PLUGIN_INITIALISE selector call from the RIP.

param should be a pointer to the version field of the second parameter of the call, which is a plugInitParam , for example:

&((plugInitParam *) param2)->version

It is used to check that the RIP and plugin are using compatible versions of the plugin library. Upon an error that is, if they are not using compatible versions of the plugin library  InputPluginLibInitialise will return the NULL pointer.

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