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pgbforall, pgbheldforall, pgbcurrentforall, pgbactiveforall

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core.

proc pgbforall   

proc pgbheldforall   

proc pgbcurrentforall   

proc pgbactiveforall   

Each of these procedures iterates over the contents of the relevant queue or queues. On each iteration, it first pushes a pagebuffer name onto the operand stack and then executes the procedure proc .

pgbforall iterates over all queues in the Output Controller. The other procedures iterate on the queue contained in their name, for example: pgbheldforall iterates over the contents of the held queue.


This fragment of code displays, in the RIP Monitor window, the names of the page buffers in the held queue.

{ = } pgbheldforall

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