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Supplied font sets

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

Global Graphics supplies RIPs that include a small number of fonts that are included in the base RIP license. These include the Harlequin font, GGSans font, GGSerif font, and so on.

In addition, one of the following options may be included according to your contract:

  • 35 core fonts using fonts from URW
  • 35 core fonts using “Shiva” fonts.
 If you choose to license neither of the above font sets, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have a suitable license for any fonts used in your RIP.

As from Harlequin v13, no other fonts are required for the RIP to launch correctly, to process input files that either do not use any fonts, or that include all required fonts embedded in them.

The RIP uses the presence of the Harlequin font to determine that it has identified a valid SW directory; it will not launch correctly without that font.

In both URW and Shiva, some of the file names in the SW/fonts directory will not match the standard PostScript 1 font set names. The RIP is configured to use the appropriate URW or Shiva font through a lookup table defined in SW/Config/FontSubstitutionDB which is loaded as the RIP boots. This file should not be changed.

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