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(v13) Errors messages, status reports and warnings

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

The d_error value is composed of two parts:

  1. An error type .
  2. An error code .

The error type tells the RIP what kinds of changes to the selector call sequence it needs to make: whether it ought to stop job output, what it needs to do with the current page, and so on.

All error types are symbolic constants starting with the string “DETYPE_”, as follows:


They are defined in the header file gdeverrs.h .

The error code tells the RIP more specifically what particular error or other condition has arisen, so that it can print the right text or icon in the Output Controller.

All predefined error codes are constants starting with the string “DERR_” followed by an underscore, as follows:


They are also defined in the header file gdeverrs.h .

OEMs may add their own device‐specific error codes to this list. They should be within the range

0x0100 to DERR_UNKNOWN .

When the plugin needs to issue an error or status report, it should select the appropriate error type and error code and combine them into a single value with the macro DERR , defined in the header file gdeverrs.h . This value is then placed in the d_error field of the deviceDefinition , a pointer to which is passed with all output plugin calls.

The error types available are:


For more information see (v13) Error type descriptions .

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