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(v13) ExecFile in the HqnControl procset

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

ExecFile automatically detects the type of an input file, mounts the drive on which is found, and executes it. It may also be configured to apply passwords, to run specific page ranges and so on.

Note: If you intend to prepend PostScript language configuration instructions to PDF files you should use SubmitFile instead of ExecFile or pdfexec . For more information see (v13) SubmitFile in the HqnControl procset for more information.

Note: Using ExecFile will not trigger simple imposition correctly when needed, and will probably lead to incorrect output, or an error that PostScript language files may not be used with some imposition schemes. See (v13) SubmitFile in the HqnControl procset for more information.

In its simplest form it takes the file name as a string:

(File.prn) /HqnControl /ProcSet findresource /ExecFile get exec

It can also take an optional dictionary argument, following the file name:

            (File.prn) <<
              /PageRange [ [ 1 3 ] ]
            >> /HqnControl /ProcSet findresource /ExecFile get exec

The dictionary may contain any or all of the following keys. More keys may be added over time.


The value of this key must be a literal name describing the type of file. As shipped the following types are supported:


PostScript (including Macintosh formatted EPS and EPS with no preview)


Portable Document Format


MS-DOS formatted EPS




JFIF and Photoshop JPEG


Portable Network Graphics file format


Bitmap image file format


JPEG2000 image file format


Graphics Interchange Format


Windows Media Photo and HD Photo


Page buffer or flat appropriate for use with FlatOut (HMR only)

The list of file types which may be used can be extended by an OEM. See the Add~ procedures in children of this page.


If the value of this key is true and a FileType is supplied, then the file will be executed as the supplied FileType , even if automatic detection of the type does not indicate that the supplied FileType is correct. The default value is false .


If this key is supplied, then only the requested pages from the job will be rendered. The format of the array value matches that documented for the pdfexec operator.


If this key is provided, and if the file type being used supports passwords, then the password will be used in executing the file. Of the file types supplied as standard, only PDF supports passwords.

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