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(v13) HqnImpose2 FillSpace objective

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

A film area is defined by the values of /MaxWidth and /MaxHeight (less the margins set by FilmLeft etc.), and as many pages as possible are fitted into that area. MaxHeight and MaxWidth are defined in points. All values of Aspect described above are valid, including /BestFit . Three strategies are available:


As many pages will be fitted across the film as possible and a single row of those pages will be exposed. When used in conjunction with the /BestFit aspect, the pages will be landscape if an equal number of landscape pages can be fitted in as the maximum number of portrait pages.


As many pages will be fitted down the film as possible and a single column of those pages will be exposed. When used in conjunction with the /BestFit aspect, the pages will be portrait if an equal number of portrait pages can be fitted in as the maximum number of landscape pages.


As many pages will be fitted into the film on a regular grid as possible. When used in conjunction with the /BestFit aspect, the pages will be rotated as necessary to fit in the largest number.

/MaxWidth, /MaxHeight

This may be zero if the /OneColumn strategy is used, or /MaxHeight may be zero if the /OneRow Strategy is used. These effectively defines the maximum dimension in that direction to be unlimited.


When calculating the number of pages that will fit on a sheet using the FillSpace objective, and BestFit handling for NxN Objectives the MaxWidth and MaxHeight values will be increased by the value of SheetSlop . Note that this value is defined in device pixels, rather than the points that are used for most other dimensions. Default value = 35 pixels.


Example use:

            /mm { 72. mul 25.4 div } bind def
            /Objective /FillSpace
            /MaxWidth 500 mm
            /MaxHeight 300 mm
            >> /HqnImpose2 /ProcSet findresource /HqnInitImpose get exec

PackDrum objective

/PackDrum is a special case of /FillSpace originally written for use on part drum film imagers (that is, where the fast scan direction is along the film roll, but the device is capable of imaging less than a whole drum-full of material at a time). It is suitable for any case where the height of the raster required is limited by the width of the substrate loaded, and where it is optimal to fit as many pages onto a single drum-full of substrate as possible to reduce material and time wastage.

MaxHeight is calculated from the MediaHeight . MaxWidth is taken from the maximum scan line length. This may be defined as /DrumCircumference in the dictionary passed to HqnInitImpose (in points); if it is not, then the value will be calculated from MediaWidth . For more information see Media sizes for objectives .

The same strategies are available for PackDrum as for FillSpace , and the default strategy is MaxPages . Example use:

            /mm { 72. mul 25.4 div } bind def
            /Objective /PackDrum
            /DrumCircumference 500 mm
            >> /HqnImpose2 /ProcSet findresource /HqnInitImpose get exec

FillWidth objective

This is another special case variant on /FillSpace . This time it is designed for roll-fed devices where it will fit as many pages across the media as possible and thereby reduce film wastage. MaxWidth is taken from the MediaWidth (see Media sizes for objectives ) and MaxHeight is set to zero (unlimited). No strategies are supported (in effect /OneRow is enforced), and the default aspect is /BestFit .

Example use:

            /Objective /FillWidth
            >> /HqnImpose2 /ProcSet findresource /HqnInitImpose get exec

FillFilm objective

Yet another special case of /FillSpace . Here MaxWidth is set to be the MediaWidth and MaxHeight is set to MediaHeight . For information see Media sizes for objectives .

Example use:

            /Objective /FillFilm
            >> /HqnImpose2 /ProcSet findresource /HqnInitImpose get exec

Media sizes for objectives

Several of the FillSpace Objectives derive maximum sheet dimensions from media width and height. Those values are obtained from the PageSize property of the selected InputAttributes dictionary at the time when HqnInitImpose is called. If there is no selected InputAttributes dictionary, the PageSize from the page device is used instead.

In Harlequin MultiRIP the InputAttributes dictionary is based on information from the plugin, the Page Size selected on the Page Setup dialog and/or the cassette width, depending on the plugin type selected.

In Harlequin Core, however, there is always a selected InputAttributes dictionary and, by default, that is constructed with a single entry using a US Letter PageSize , which is rarely useful. As a result, the PackDrum , FillWidth , and FillFilm objectives may not deliver the expected result in HHR. If you are not specifying InputAttributes for other reasons, you will probably find it more effective to use the FillSpace objective and specify MaxWidth and/or MaxHeight explicitly.

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