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(v13) Overriding a standard Pantone value with the named color API

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

In order to override a color in one of the standard Pantone named color databases used by the “Intercept” named color order a new database must be added containing the override color at the head of the named color order.

To achieve this the following API calls are required:

1. ncapi_start() , to provide the memory allocation functions.

2. ncapiNamedColorDBCreate() , to create a new in-memory database with the appropriate color space, etc. ncapiNamedColorDBAddUpdateColor() , to add the override color to the new database. ncapiNamedColorDBAddUpdateColor() , to add the override color to the new database.

3. ncapiWriteNamedColorDB() , to save the new database.

4. ncapiReadNamedColorOrder() , to read the current state of the "Intercept" named color order.

5. ncapiNamedColorOrderAddEntry() , to prepend the name of the new database to the "Intercept" named color order.

6. ncapiWriteNamedColorDB() , to save the "Intercept" named color order.

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