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(v13) PDF reference XObjects

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

Support for PDF/X-4p, PDF/X-5g, PDF/X-5pg requires the ability for the RIP to find external files (ICC color profiles for PDF/X-4p and PDF/X-5pg and reference XObjects for PDF/X-5g and PDF/X-5pg).

By default, the RIP looks for external files referenced in PDF in these locations:

  • In the same directory as the main PDF file
  • In \SW\OPI 

Or you can add the following code to your RIP configuration:

              /OPIdirectories [ (OPI//) (%Mounted_Drive%/FileLocation// ) ]
            /HqnOPI /ProcSet findresource /HqnOPIconfigure get exec

While support for external files in PDF files uses the same mechanism as OPI, it does not require enabling OPI; you can continue to enable OPI in your code, but it is not required.

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