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(v13) Running the HHR RIP from the command line

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP.

If you prefer, you may run the HHR RIP you have built using Visual Studio 2019 from the command line as follows:

  1. Change directory to the folder where the HHR RIP was originally installed.
  2. Simple usage if you had, for example, built a 64-bit release version of the RIP would be:

.\bin\x64\Release\clrip –c <config> <inputfile>

In this case, to print one of the supplied sample jobs to a simple CMYK configuration, type:

.\bin\x64\Release\clrip –c CMYKComposite300dpi .\Samples\IceCreamLabel.pdf

Notice that you have changed directory to the folder containing the HHR RIP's SW folder, but not into the bin folder, and that you are now running the executable you built earlier.

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