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(v13) The ColorantInfo structure

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

This structure identifies a colorant by name, both a preferred name and any aliases, its nature (a process or spot color), whether it must be present in the raster, and a calibrated RGB equivalent color of preview.

    typedef struct ColorantInfo
      uint8 ** ppNames; /* pointer to an array of numAliases */
                /* pointers to 64 byte strings */ int32 colorantType;
      int32 colorantPresence; float srgbEquivalent [3];
    } ColorantInfo;

ppNames (ColorantInfo)

ppNames Wr

Type: uint8 **

A pointer to an array of numAliases pointers to strings. Each element points to 64 bytes which should be filled in with an alternative name for this colorant.

Warning: This is a pointer to an existing string buffer for the plugin to fill in. Beware of overwriting this pointer with one of your own especially if you are doing static structure assignment.

The first name is the device type's preferred name . The preferred name is the name by which this colorant will be identified when the plugin sees a raster or band of data for it, and in other circumstances where the RIP identifies a colorant to the plugin. Additional, arbitrarily named, spot colors may also be supplied when the maxExtraSpotColorants field of the RasterFormat is set greater than zero.

This field is written to by the plugin, and therefore the character encoding method used is determined by the plugin. It is recommended that this field, and others which pass string information from the plugin to the RIP, restrict the characters used to the ASCII 127‐character set.

colorantType (ColorantInfo)

colorantType Wr

Type: int32

The plugin should set this to one of the following:


The colorant is a process color - that is, it will form part of the colorant family on which color names are matched.


As colorantType_process , but also indicates that this colorant is the black ink (for use where black overprints and the like are specially handled). Only one ink may be specified as process black.


The colorant is a spot color which will always be present (or loaded) for output, but does not take any part in determining the colorant family.

colorantPresence (ColorantInfo)

colorantPresence Wr

Type: int32

The plugin should set this to one of the following:


The colorant need not be present in any raster or set of separated rasters sent to the plugin.


The colorant must always be present. However, note that because of the way in which pages can be shuffled or removed from the output queue in multiple modes, while a separation for the colorant will always be produced when separating, the plugin may never see it.

srgbEquivalent (ColorantInfo)

srgbEquivalent Wr

Type: float [3]

Monitor‐calibrated (or alternatively an approximation to) the colorant in DeviceRGB space. Among other uses, this allows the Roam (Preview) function to give a rendition of any rasters including this colorant. Note that the color used will always correspond to the preferred (first) colorant name, how‐ ever it is specified in the PostScript language.

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