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What happens if I roll-back a VM?

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

If a VM is rolled back to a snapshot taken before a Product Key or Protection Key Update was activated, the activation is disabled on the VM; however, the Global Graphics servers still has a record that it was performed. The same Product Key cannot be simply re-used (unless you have spare activations on the license). There are two methods to recover from this situation:

  1. If you backed up the V2C file after activating the license (see Can I back up an activation after installation?), that V2C file can be re-applied (see How can I apply a saved V2C file?).
  2. If you did not back up the V2C file you can ask Harlequin Support for a copy of the V2C file by sending them your Product Key or Protection Key ID. That can then be applied to recover the activation (see How can I apply a saved V2C file?).
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