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What kinds of license are available with LDK?

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

LDK licenses can be provided in three forms:

  1. Soft lock - The license is tied to characteristics of the computer on which the LDK Server is running (typically the same computer as the RIP). These characteristics do not need to be known at the time the license is ordered; they are read when the RIP installation is activated. A soft lock does not enable a RIP on a virtual machine (VM).
  2. VM lock - The license is tied to characteristics of the computer on which the LDK Server is running, and enables a RIP to run within a VM. A VM lock runs in a bare-metal OS (that is, outside of a virtual machine), but has some disadvantages in that configuration; see How do I make a planned RIP transfer from one computer to another using a soft lock?
  3. Hard lock - The license is provided as a Product Key that can easily be e-mailed, but must then be programmed into a suitable dongle; see Dongles.

The form required (including soft lock versus VM-lock), must be known at the time the order for the license is placed with Global Graphics.

Most of the next few sections deal with soft locks and VM locks. For more information see Dongles.

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