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Comparison of testlibpdfcmd to makodistillercmd


The usage is the same for both applications, although the options that may be added to an arg file are different, as described below.

testpdflibcmd <arg_file#1> [arg_file#2] ... [arg_file#N]


makodistillercmd <arg_file#1> [arg_file#2] ... [arg_file#N]

where <arg_file> contains the inputs to a process instance. There can be a maximum of N=16 such instances.

All instances run in parallel.

Each <arg_file> can contain zero or more options given below, followed by a list of folders and/or files to be run. The folders are recursively scanned for input files.

The options in <arg_file> can be zero or more of the following arguments. If you need to specify a lot of arguments, you can give one argument per line with no leading whitespace. Lines that begin with a space are treated as comments and are ignored. Ensure that the files to run are given after a set of arguments to be applied to those files.

Option comparison

The list of the options offered by the two programs are almost identical, but there are some differences which are described in detail in the following tables, providing a comparison between the two. Some options missing from makodistillercmd can still be accessed by adding an appropriate entry to a PostScript prolog. Where this is the case, the entry is listed in the Prolog Entry column.

Key: n/a = Not Available.





Prolog entry

Mode switches



Distiller mode, convert PS files to PDF (default)



Xlat mode, convert PDF files to PostScript

makodistillercmd offers only PS to PDF conversion. Use makoconverter to convert PDF to any other PDL, including PostScript.



Convert mode, input file is of type <filetype> (default Auto)

For convert mode, valid filetypes are:

  • Auto - auto-detect file type (for input only)
  • PS   - PostScript
  • EPS  - Encapsulated PostScript (input with WMF/TIFF preview supported)
  • PDF - PDF file



Convert mode, output file is of type <filetype>



Specifies the directory where output files are written to.

Note that <path> should be terminated by a path separator (forward slash or backslash)

Distill (PDF output) mode options



ASCII encode



Thumbnail options, where:

  • n = none (default)
  • c = color
  • m = monochrome







Use the DSC BoundingBox for:

  • C=Crop box
  • N=Nothing (default)
  • P=Page size



Color image options (see below)



Convert device independent colors to device-dependent colors



Resolution of the whole file (default 72)



Embed the base 14 fonts



Embed disk-based (external) CIDFonts



Embed fonts



Subset fonts



Substitute original TrueType fonts



Preserve halftones



Disable Illustrator overprint mode (requires -dv)



Disable generation of a job ticket (default)



Enable generation of a job ticket in the PDF file



Specify an explicit log file to use



Preserve OPI



Optimize (aka linearize) the PDF file



PDF file format

For example, dP1.3 or -dP1.4



Auto-rotate pages according to the prevalent text direction



Security options (see below)



Apply transfer functions



Preserve transfer functions



Remove transfer functions



Preserve Under Color Removal and Black Generation info

MakoDistillerCmd preserves UCR and black generation settings by default. To override, use the prolog entry.

<< /UCRandBGInfo /Remove >> setdistillerparams



Preserve overprint



Flate/Zip compress text



PDF1.5 (and above) object compression.

option can be None, Tags ,or All

The default is All

If this setting is omitted, this is the same as -dZNone

-dZ<option> maps to the IDistiller setting, CompressObjects.

-dZ and -dZAll sets CompressObjects to true

-dZTags and -dZNone sets CompressObjects to false

n/a-dT<Title>Sets the text of Title field in the PDF description

n/a-dA<Author>Sets the text of Author field in the PDF description

n/a-dS<Subject>Sets the text of Subject field in the PDF description

n/a-dR<Creator>Sets the text of Creator field in the PDF description



Use StartDistill() rather than StartDistill2()

Not applicable to MakoDistillerCmd


Number of chars to pass to PostScriptInput() per iteration; implies -d1; also writes the PostScript to stdout; useful for diagnosing PostScript errors

Distill (PDF output) mode security options



Disable security on PDF file output (default)

MakoDistillerCmd automatically enables security when password(s) are set.



Enable security on PDF file output

-dso <password>

-dso <password>

Owner password (default empty)

-dsu <password>-dsu <password>User password (default empty)The Owner password is set to the User password if just the latter is specified.

-dsp <permissions>-dsp <permissions>

Permission flags (default value is 0xFFFFFFFC or -4 decimal, see the IDistiller documentation for details of bit meanings). The permissions integer must be specified in decimal.

Distill (PDF output) mode image options



 color image options



 grayscale image options



 monochrome image options

where * is one or more of the following:



Average downsample

MakoDistillerCmd defaults to bicubic (most accurate downsampling algorithm) for color and grayscale, average for monochrome



Bicubic downsample (not monochrome)



Subsample downsample



Auto compression (Note: for color/grayscale only, set JPEG options with l/m/h/q switches)



Flate/Zip compression



Flate/Zip with Predictor compression



JPEG low compression (QFactor 0.1)

JPEG is for color/grayscale only.  Qfactor = quality factor



JPEG medium compression (QFactor 0.5)



JPEG high compression (QFactor 1.3)



JPEG compression using specified QFactor



CCITT compression (monochrome only)



Convert CMYK images to RGB

r <dpi>r<dpi>Image downsampling resolution

Distill (PDF output) font options



Specifies the font directory

Must occur BEFORE -fa or -fr if they're used.



Adds the font filename so that PDFLib / MakoDistillerCmd can use it; the filename can contain wildcards



Lists the names of the fonts that are available in the specified font file



Removes the named font from PDFLib / MakoDistillerCmd

This switch may be repeated as necessary.



Lists the names of the fonts known to PDFlib

Fonts are listed when the switch is processed, thus -fa or -fr switches that occur after this switch won't have taken effect. Probably best to specify -fl as the LAST -f* switch you specify.



Add the font name to the list of fonts to always embed

Prolog entry for MakoDistillerCmd:

<< /AlwaysEmbed[
>> setdistillerparams



Add the font name to the list of fonts to never embed

Prolog entry for MakoDistillerCmd:

<< /NeverEmbed[
>> setdistillerparams



Display the always and never font embed lists

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