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Defining Your First Device (Smart Device Configurator)

When Smart Device Configurator starts for the first time, it is by default set for a simple 100dpi, simplex, Black only, device.

The following example will walk through how to setup a CMYK, 600dpi, 2 drop, Simplex device.

There are five tabs across the top of the window, for a simple example only the first three are needed.

General Tab

This section allows setting of arbitrary strings to define the Device name, Manufacturer etc as also the type of device (simplex/color etc)

  • Enter a suitable string for the Device Name,
    This is used as the basis of the filename the configuration will be saved as.
  • Change the  Color Support Option to Color.
    This informs SDC to expect more than one color to be defined.

All other values can be left at default values

Print Bar Groups

A Print Bar Group is a collection of print bars that share the same setting.
In this example there is only a single print bar group since all colorants shar ethe same setting.

  • Set the Resolution
    In Resolutions, click '+' and add a 600 x 600 dpi entry
    Select the 100 x 100 dpi entry and click '-' to delete it
  • Set the BPP
    In Supported Bits Per Pixel select 2
  • Set the Drop Sizes
    In Supported Drop Sizes click '+' and enter 2
    Select the original entry, '1', and click '-' to delete it

Note the the disc in the top right should show 'A' since this is a simplex device

Print Bars

This sections assigns colors to a Print Bar Group,  This example uses a single Print Bar Group.

Add the missing colorants

  • Click '+', type Cyan, and click Add

You will see a message at the bottom of the screen warning 'All plane numbers must be unique'.
The Cyan colorant just added has the same plane number as Black.
Go the the Plane Number field and change to 2.

Repeat this for the remaining colorants(Magenta and Yellow), assign them plane numbers of 3 and 4.

Once this is done you should not having any warning messages and be able to save the Smart Device Configuration.

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