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Print Bar Tab


A Print Bar typically defines a single colorant.

Each Print Bar must be assigned a unique plane number.

Print Bars can be assigned to any Print Bar Group.

This section has editing disabled when loading a .sdc file, if parameters on the Print Bar tab need to be changed it should be considered a new printer.

Print Bars

The print bars are defined here.

Click the "+" button to add print bars, which enables you to type a name to add a bar.


Here you can define the Plane Number for each Print Bar. You can also assign a print bar to a "Print Bar Group".

Each Print Bar must have a unique plane number

Configure Drop Volumes / Configure Toner Weight

Depending on the Printer Type you select in the General tab, you can choose between the following:

Inkjet – Drop Volumes

A table of Drop Size and Picolitres displays the Drop Size based on the Active Bits per Pixel. You can specify the number of Picolitres per drop size.

Toner – Toner Weight

The Toner Weight per square meter can be set.

UI Representation

Here you can define the color used to represent the Print Bar in the UI.

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