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SmartDFE v4.9 Release Notes

New Features and Bug Fixes

Jira StoryDescription
SDFE-2482SJCE can load a PDF via a file selection dialog.
SDFE-2483SJCE can request a job cost estimation from SPC.
SDFE-2484SJCE can display job cost estimation results in a job details dialog.
SDFE-2486*SDFESUP-981:* Barcode on Side-B is printed as "100000", not "000001" on duplex.
SDFE-2488*SDFESUP-1036:* Job Editor rotation issues.
SDFE-2492Job Editor Scaling Rotation - Remove the cap for media width.
SDFE-2500*SDFESUP-896:* Standalone SJCE can load and apply SDC files. The available media updates based on changes to the media in SPC.
SDFE-2501Added button to import jobs from the SPC Waiting Queue into SJCE.
SDFE-2503Job cost estimations can now be made concurrently without interfering with each other.
SDFE-2505A red X will appear next to any job that has had an estimate attempted but failed.
SDFE-2510Job cost settings can be set in the Standalone version of SJCE.
SDFE-2522Added the ability to export an Excel Report for a given job's estimation results.
SDFE-2530Jobs can now be estimated with one or more compatible media.
SDFE-2531*SDFESUP-526:* Support adding multiple jobs to SJCE.
SDFE-2533Smart Job Cost Estimator now requires a license to use.
SDFE-2538Jobs imported from SPC into SJCE have their thumbnails shown in the app. The selected job in the job list additionally has its thumbnail displayed in a larger display on the right.
SDFE-2539Added a display of Job Details for the selected job in the list.
SDFE-2540Added estimation for jobs imported from the SPC Waiting Queue.
SDFE-2543Allow SPC Job Costing on Waiting queue jobs without updating job results.
SDFE-2580Enable tracking of selected Waiting queue items via OPC.
SDFE-2581Hide the OPC/UA Enabled switch in Settings panel and fix it to on.
SDFE-2586Created the Standalone SJCE installer.
SDFE-2598The jobs in the integrated version of SJCE can be updated by clicking the JCE button again in SPC after selecting different jobs.
SDFE-2600Estimates done in the Integrated SJCE for a job's target media will port the results over to the job in SPC.
SMQ-113Standardise the SMM installation paths.
SMQ-176Print a test chart to check if the PrintFlat calibration is working correctly.
SMQ-370Export a report of Spot Colors from the Spot Color Editor.
SMQ-427*SDFESUP-777:* Error importing and exporting tone curves.
SMQ-578Show Linearization status in the UI.
SMQ-597Integrate PrintFlat Generate & Print Targets into SMM.
SMQ-598Integrate PrintFlat scanning into SMM.
SMQ-601Add End User Licensing and configuration to SMM.
SMQ-608Import SMDs into SMM.
SMQ-617Export or Update Media for End User version of SMM.
SMQ-635Add a new PrintFlat tab in SMM.
SMQ-636Deprecate the PrintFlat Welcome screen from SMM.
SMQ-645Add 7 color support to Job Editor.
SMQ-649Add 7 Color support to SPC Preprocessors.
SMQ-650Add 7 Color Support to SMM. 
SMQ-658*SDFEUP-976:* PrintFlat prints are too light.
SMQ-662*SDFESUP-962:* Jobs submitted from SMM and SC Appear but don't sync.
SMQ-664Deprecate and remove the grey balance stage from SMM.
SMQ-679Remove the “example” from all the screen names. 
SMQ-687Populate color override and spot colors in SMM.
SMQ-689Move PrintFlat setup into SMM from Smart Calibrator.
SMQ-690*SDFESUP-836:*  Smart Calibrator: Ability to rotate the profile target charts.
SMQ-696*SDFESUP-541:* Spot Colour Editor - Eye Dropper - CMYK ICC not being applied.
SMQ-709 *SDFESUP-796:* PrintFlat prints are too light.
SMQ-712*SDFESUP-1084:* RIP override - Optimize fine paths, strokes outline text.
SMQ-714Job Editor - convert to process doesn't work.

Known Limitations

  1. SPC and Smart Calibrator: Spot Variation chart: If the user quickly and repeatedly clicks the "+" or "-" button to adjust settings, they might experience a delay in the view refreshing. However, the final view or print should be based on the last settings the user selected
  2. SPC: Spot Variation chart: When closing the main SPC application window, any additional windows, such as the opened job editor, should also be closed.
  3. Direct: Aborting/clean-up after a hardware produces a fault, that is an underrun, can cause an SPC server disconnection.
  4. Direct: Completed page count is incorrect when channel clone is used. This only affects jobs that complete cleanly.

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