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1. Introduction

ScreenPro is Global Graphics Software's award-winning screening engine that converts contone image data into ready-to-print halftone screened data in real time - with no compromise on quality.

As the world's fastest RIP-independent screening engine, ScreenPro Core is designed to enable OEMs to maximize the performance of their digital printers and get to market quicker.


This guide is written for users of the ScreenPro Core library, and the Direct products that have ScreenPro as a core component: ScreenPro Direct and Harlequin Direct.

To stay relevant to the audience, it is primarily concerned with screening settings. There are separate OS-specific guides for users of the ScreenPro API.

File formats

  • Input: TIFF (Single channel, continuous tone, 8 bits per pixel (or, with restricted capability such as being unable to use calibration, 16 bpp).
  • Output: TIFF (Preview quality, single channel, screened halftone raster, 8 bpp).


The screening methods supported are:

  • Advanced Inkjet Screens (AIS): Up to 16 drop levels (Mirror, Pearl, and Opal)
  • Harlequin Dispersed Screens (HDS): Up to 16 drop levels
  • Legacy: Chameleon and Chimera

ScreenPro is supplied with sample AIS featuring 1, 2, 3, and 4 droplet sizes. See your technical representative for more details.


Licenses for ScreenPro Core are available as Standard (S), High Speed (HS), and Ultra High Speed (UHS). For more details, see your technical representative.

If you have a ScreenPro Direct or Harlequin Direct license, no additional ScreenPro Core license is required.

Colorant ordering

When ordering colorants, care must be given to specific screen types. To get the best quality output, some screen types require you to order the colorants specifically: 

  • For Mirror and Opal, the channel numbers must be: 0 = Cyan, 1 = Magenta, 2 = Yellow, 3 = Black
  • For the remaining screening types, you can order as desired, with no impact to output quality.

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