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Getting started with Mako in C#


On Windows, we recommend the use of Visual Studio 2019 and the SWIG C# NuGet package. The following steps describe how to do this, using the makoconvertercsharp.cs source that is located alongside the NuGet package, in the SWIG folder of the Mako distribution.


  • Create a C# console application in Visual Studio
  • Load the NuGet package
  • Set the platform target to x64
  • Paste all the code from makoconverter.cs into the console application, replacing what was there
  • Build the solution

Create a C# console application

Simply choose from the available .NET templates. We recommend .NET Core as it supports later versions of C#, but .NET Framework is also supported.

This is from VS2019:

Give it a name of your choice. I've called mine MyMakoProject and it looks like this in the Solution Explorer:

Load the NuGet package into the project

Obtain the NuGet package

These are found in the Mako SDK release folder, accessible via your dedicated Global Graphics FTP account.

(NOTE: Currently these packages are not available from a NuGet-compatible online source. Use the following instructions to use them with Visual Studio.)

To install it from a local source, refer to the C++ NuGet instructions to find out how. Otherwise, open the package manager by choosing "Manage NuGet Packages" after right-clicking MyMakoProject or Dependencies below it.

You can now browse for the NuGet package you wish to install. For example:

To install, select a package and click Install.

Set the target platform to x64

The underlying libraries that support the C# interface to Mako are x64 DLLs. This means the default platform target for a managed project, AnyCPU, is not suitable. (You can build, but an exception is thrown unless you have unchecked Prefer 32-bit.) We recommend you set the platform target to x64 explicitly.

To do this, set the Platform target in the project properties to x64, as seen here:

Alternatively, you can add an x64 configuration as described here.

Paste in some code

  1. Using your favorite text editor, find some C# sample code and copy it.
  2. Open the source file in your new project, and replace its contents (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-V).


Finally, build the solution (Ctrl-Shift-B). The runtime component (jawsmakoIF_csharp.dll) is copied automatically to the output folder.


For sample code that you can use with the C#, see the Samples section.

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