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Mako comes with plenty of sample code, which can bootstrap your development to get you up and running quickly.

This includes:


There are a range of simple examples which come with the Mako Distribution, in both C# and C++.

This includes:

Mako Converter

The Mako Converter example is a command-line application that converts from one PDL to another.

The source code for this application can be found in your Mac, Linux, or Windows C++ distribution at the following path:

<distribution root>\makoapps\makoconverter

A C# version of the application can be found in the C# distribution of Mako at the following path:

<distribution root>\swig\csharp\release-win-x64-vc16\app\csharpmakoconverter

Mako Distiller

Mako Distiller is a powerful addition to the Mako SDK that can convert between PS and PDF, with speed and accuracy. Mako Distiller is exposed in the SDK via the IDistiller class.

The source code for this application can be found in your Mac, Linux, or Windows C++ distribution at the following path:

<distribution root>\makoapps\makodistiller

SVG generator

The SVG generator is a command-line application that converts from a PDL to SVG.

The source code for this application can be found in your Mac, Linux, or Windows C++ distribution at the following path:

<distribution root>\makoapps\svggenerator

Simple examples

The simple examples library is a large collection of source code, divided up into easy-to-digest examples.

They cover scenarios such as:

  • Creating threaded renderers
  • Searching for text
  • Imposition
  • Watermarking
  • Overprint
  • And much more!

The source code for these examples can be found in your Mac, Linux, or Windows C++ distribution at the following path:

<distribution root>\makoapps\simpleexamples

A C# version of the examples can be found in the C# distribution of Mako at the following path:

<distribution root>\swig\csharp\release-win-x64-vc16\app\simpleexamples


The Mako SDK has also been used to create a suite of utilities. These utilities span a wide range of different use cases, and form a great set of example code in their own right.

Utilities include:

You can find the full list of utilities in the Mako Utilitiessection. 


For specific Mako topics, we also have samples and how-to guides.

You can find the full list in the Topics section.

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