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(v13) The HqnLayout FrontVals and BackVals subdictionaries

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

The FrontVals and BackVals subdictionary contains the following keys:

Left (HqnLayout config)

number (0, +ve) Default: 0

The margin to the left of the left-most page on the selected side of the sheet. The margin(s) allowed on the sides where control strips and/or slug lines are drawn must be large enough to accommodate the strip and/or slug.

See notes below on margins, annotations and crop marks. Schemes: All

Bottom (HqnLayout config)

nnumber (0, +ve) Default: 0

The margin below the bottom page on the selected side of the sheet. See Left (above). Schemes: All


number (0, +ve) Default: 0

The margin to the right of the right-most page on the selected side of the sheet. See Left (above). Schemes: All.

Top (HqnLayout config)

number (0, +ve) Default: 0

The margin above the top page on the selected side of the sheet. See Left (above). Schemes: All

HorAlign (HqnLayout config)

name enum Default: /AlignLeft

The page grid is horizontally positioned within the area of the raster left after Left and Right are accounted for according to this value.


For more information see Work & turn, work & tumble. Schemes: All

VertAlign (HqnLayout config)

name enum Default: /AlignBottom

The page grid is vertically positioned within the area of the raster left after Top and Bottom

are accounted for according to this value.


Schemes: All

For more information see Work & turn, work & tumble.

MarginPolicy (HqnLayout config)

name enum Default: /Clip

Crop marks and bleed extend into the margins defined within simple imposition. By default, the margins do not grow automatically if too large a set of annotations is defined on any edge; they are clipped. This can be changed using the MarginPolicy key.


Clip the annotations.


Abort the job.


Enlarge the margins.

Schemes: All

Crops (HqnLayout config)

name enum Default: /None

Draw crop marks on all pages on the selected side of each sheet:


No crop marks


Small trim marks only (12-point space)


Large trim marks, plus separation names, step wedges, and so on (30-point space)


Trim marks to show the locations of all PDF page boxes. For file formats other than PDF, this is equivalent to /Small (12-point space).

If Bleed is greater than the space required for the crops selected, the crop marks are enlarged to fill the bleed area.

Schemes: All

FoldCut (HqnLayout config)

Boolean Default: false

Draw fold and/or cut marks in all appropriate gutters on the selected side of each sheet. Schemes: All schemes except OneUp_1s_1 and OneUp_2s_1.

RegMarks (HqnLayout config)

name enum Default: /None

Draw register marks on the selected side of the sheet.


No register marks.


Draw register marks if space is available; warn if not.


Draw register marks. Abort job if no space available.

Schemes: All

PageBox (HqnLayout config)

Boolean Default: false

Draw a box round every page on the selected side of the sheet. To be used mainly on laser-print with NUp scheme:

Schemes: All

FillOrder (HqnLayout config)

name enum Default: /L2RT2B

The order in which pages should be filled on the selected side of an N-Up scheme. See FillOrder (annotations) for more information.

Schemes: NUp* , CutStack* (for front only in CutStack_2s_1 ; the back is derived automatically from the front).

Annotations (HqnLayout config)

array of dicts Default: [ ]

Slug lines and control strips. There is no limit to the number of annotations that may be used. If multiple annotations are placed on the same edge of a raster, the first in the array is nearest to the edge, subsequent ones are placed further and further from the edge. Similarly, some annotations (the color bars) take account of annotations already placed on adjacent edges of the raster, so as not to overlap.

See (v13) The HqnLayout annotations array for more details.

Schemes: All

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