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Activation on a machine without internet access

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

  1. Make sure you have received your Product Key from Global Graphics.
  2. Make sure you have access to a machine running Windows and with an internet connection. This might, for instance, be the installation engineer’s laptop connected to Wi-Fi.
  3. Install the Harlequin RIP and LDK, using the installer provided by Global Graphics on the computer where it runs. For detailed instructions on how to do this see the installation manual for your product.

    The Global Graphics installer runs the LDK Tool automatically.

  4. It opens to the dialog for activating on a computer with Internet access; click More to show the home screen.
  5. Select New License.
  6. Select License this computer.
  7. Select No internet access. When the prompt appears, create a fingerprint file (.c2v) for this computer. Select Create. A browser opens, allowing you to save a file called <machine name>.fingerprint.c2v (do not change the file name). You may wish to write the file directly to a USB flash drive to make the next steps easier.
  8. When the file is saved, click OK in the dialog. A dialog with a Locate option displays. Leave this dialog open and copy the <machine name>.fingerprint.c2v file, using a network or USB flash drive and so forth to the computer with web access.
  9. Also copy the exe executable to the computer with web access.
  10. On the computer with web access, start the LDK Tool. It opens to the dialog for activating or extending a license on a machine with Internet access. Click More to navigate to the Home screen.
  11. Select New License followed by License a different computer. Type or paste your key into the Product Key field and click Activate. A browser  displays, allowing you to select the fingerprint file that you’ve just copied from the RIP computer.
  12. On selection of the fingerprint file, another browser opens allowing you to save a <machine name>.license.v2c. Select this file and click Save.
  13. Move the <machine name>.license.v2c file to the machine where the RIP is installed (that is, the computer with the dialog still displaying the Locate button. Click Locate to open a browser. Browse to and select the <machine name>.license.v2c file.
  14. When completed an Activation successful message appears.

If you choose not to activate the license during installation you can do so later. Go to \ldk\utils within the RIP installation directory and double-click ldktool.exe, then follow steps "4" onwards above.

You can validate the installation and review the contents of the license using the LDK Tool itself, or the Sentinel Admin Control Center; see How do I discover at the RIP computer what licenses have been activated?

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