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User Guide (Smart Media Manager)

Once you are happy with your settings created in the Getting Started section, you can start the characterization process, using the Characterization Pane.

Before proceeding, select Enable External Control in Smart Print Controller (SPC).

All jobs in the Waiting, Print and Completed Queue will be deleted during this process.

The characterization process prepares the printer for the subsequent ICC profiling stage. It sets the printer up in the optimal state so the ICC profiling uses the maximum possible color gamut the printer is capable of, given the paper, ink, and printer settings. These measurements are all written to the Smart Media Definition (SMD) file.

The characterization process consists of the following tasks, which you must do in the following sequence:

  1. Drop level mixing
  2. Pinning
  3. Dot gain correction
  4. Ink limiting
  5. Gray balancing
  6. Reference state
  7. ICC Profiling
  8. Spot Colors
  9. Total Area Coverage
  10. Export Media Definition
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